Taking The Bitcoin Boom To The Next Level: Global Blockchain Technologies Corp. (OTCMKTS:BLKCF)

Global Blockchain Technologies Corp. (OTCMKTS:BLKCF)

Maybe you still think “crypto currencies” are a fad, something for nerds and conspiracy theorists with more computing power than cash. Maybe you’re kicking yourself for missing the chance to run rings around Wall Street multiplying your money 10X, 20X or more in the bitcoin market.

I’m not here to take either side in that argument. I’m here to alert you to the existence of a new generation of post-bitcoin companies that combine the early-stage sizzle of bitcoin in its prime with a few “refinements” that will really take the winners to the stratosphere.

These are companies like Global Blockchain Technologies Corp. (OTCMKTS:BLKCF). You’re probably already hearing about “blockchain” as the next stage in the bitcoin boom. We’ll talk about what that means and why it jumps a lot of the mental hurdles that tripped up early crypto currencies in the early years.

After all, bitcoin is HOT these days, but it took the best part of a decade on the rollercoaster to spin up to the real critical mass we have today. And even if you missed that ride, BLKCF has something FASTER and more SUBSTANTIAL in its sights.

Let’s start with a 10,000-foot overview of the opportunity companies like BLKCF are in position to capture. Bitcoin is a kind of electronic money regulated by self-verifying computer encryption systems that prevent “forgery” and keep track of all transactions.

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Those systems are blockchains. Obviously that’s where BLKCF gets its name. They’re a blockchain company — and since you need blockchain to back a serious “crypto currency,” everyone trying for a piece of the bitcoin boom needs to build a chain behind the coin.

You know the old joke about how the guy who gets richest in the gold boom is the one who owns the shovel store? That’s a big piece of this story. With the right blockchain technology, it doesn’t matter whether bitcoin or any other specific currency rises or falls. As long as people are playing with crypto at all, the blockchain owners punch their ticket . . . every copycat currency that’s created, every transaction that takes place. Ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-CHING!

And with bitcoin itself already bid up beyond $10,000 per unit, the number of initial coin offerings (ICOs) has practically exploded from near-zero to $4 billion last year, with more than 700 new deals packing the pipeline right now. Every one of those “coins” needs a chain. Every one that succeeds feeds the fire and encourages other people to get in the game.

Companies that make the high-speed computers that play on the bitcoin network are riding a mega-rally. Pull up the 5-year charts on NVIDIA and AMD to see what I’m talking about. Traders who were in either of those stocks back when the boom was in its early stages have plenty of reasons to cheer every time a new ICO hits the market. If you’re reading this back in 2013, I urge you to ride that wave yourself!

But for those of us who have to live in the here and now, picking up exposure to the crypto world isn’t quite so simple. Bitcoin itself already ran up 1800% last year and is swinging wild now. Catch it on the right beat, you can make a fortune. Screw it up, you lose your shirt. Similar story on the computer stocks: what looked like low-hanging fruit back in 2013 has already been harvested. Now the question is whether there’s enough easy action left on those charts to reward today’s traders.

That’s why market players from Goldman Sachs down to little old me are taking a close look at blockchain plays like BLKCF as the next piece of the crypto ecosystem primed to go huge. Don’t let their small scale today cloud your mind . . . after all, some guys had the deep vision to buy into bitcoin below $25, so the fact that these stocks currently trade for pennies is more

Global Blockchain Technologies Corp. (OTCMKTS:BLKCF)

a sign of their youth than their ultimate potential.

Take BLKCF, for example. Six short months ago, when Everyday Joe was only catching onto the bitcoin boom, this stock never even traded in the U.S. at any price at all. With the possible exception of a few guys with Canadian brokerage accounts, hardly anyone understood this ticker or cared.

But now the action has ramped to healthy start-up levels, clearing $2.50 on the hot days as the story started to sink in. Right now the technicals read a lot closer to “oversold” (RSI <40) than “overheated,” so if bitcoin looks frothy to you this close to close to $10,000, BLKCF is probably on the opposite swing of the pendulum:

Global Blockchain Technologies Corp. (OTCMKTS:BLKCF)

I have to underline that even here at 575,000 shares moving in that recent session, BLKCF is still a LONG way from being either a household name or a Wall Street behemoth. This is early stages, not one of those “mature” plays that’s too big, too tired and too widely held to move in anything but sputters and spurts. If a smooth ride with no valleys OR peaks is what you crave, this isn’t it. We’re a long way from that point, if indeed BLKCF ever gets there at all.

But if you’re looking for ADVENTURE, these volatile stocks that move under Wall Street’s radar are where a lot of the action is. And from a historical perspective, they’re where the lion’s share of WEALTH gets created. “Minimal risk, minimal return.”

Now what specific role does BLKCF play in the blockchain universe? It’s a little complicated, which might be a factor that kept the company out of the headlines until recently. There’s a lot of moving parts, and in an industry that’s already overloaded with high-tech jargon I can understand if traders needed some time to figure out where the money is here.

At the top level, BLKCF is like a micro venture capital fund that hunts the best blockchain opportunities around — like the company boilerplate says, it “provides investors access to a basket of direct and indirect holdings within the blockchain space, managed by a team of industry pioneers and early adopters of all major cryptocurrencies.”

You don’t have to be a hedge fund hot shot or “accredited investor” to get that access. The ante to the company’s $15 million portfolio (by market cap) is literally pocket change. And while BLKCF doesn’t say it, reading between the lines makes me think their experts picked the highest impact holdings they could find . . . to get maximum bang for everyone’s buck.

They’ve got their own bitcoin mining operation that literally turns electricity into crypto money. It reportedly costs 300 kilowatt-hours of juice to create one $9,500 bitcoin. BLKCF has 175 MEGA watts of capacity on its network. You can do the math on the revenue potential, but do it fast: the network should be “fully operational” by mid-April and will spin out of BLKCF in a separate IPO on March 1.

Read that again. If you’re not in BLKCF before March 1, you miss out on the spinoff and will need to source those shares separately. The clock is ticking. There’s URGENCY on this one!

BLKCF also has a $3 million slice of a company called Breaking Data Corp., which runs a site for 119 million sports fans. You probably know GIVEMESPORT in some form. Even its Facebook presence is 45% bigger than mighty ESPN. What’s the blockchain angle? My best guess is some kind of fantasy sports authentication system . . . imagine how great it would be if each “player” was a mass of code you could trade like currency . . . but they haven’t said much about this one yet. File under “want to know more.”

And hey! BLKCF already invested $7 million in a gaming company, Millennial ESports Corp. This one has a 20 million-user footprint in computer gaming, with a hit car racing app (Gear Club, 6.5 million downloads) and its own crypto “token” or currency already in the works. In-game money is easily a $15 BILLION industry, whether it’s Warcraft gold or Candy Crush credits. If Millennial’s tokens catch on, this could easily be a literal game changer in itself for early shareholders.

Global Blockchain Technologies Corp. (OTCMKTS:BLKCF)

Add another $2 million in a player-to-player online betting system called MEvU (“me versus you”). That one’s obvious. Blockchain can automatically verify all wagers and hold the money, effectively replacing the traditional “house” and its cut of the action. (Average standard “take” is 10%. MEvU is viable charging less than 3% . . . lower than some credit card transaction fees!) With $400 MILLION wagered every year just on sports games, the potential is big. And with BLKCF already nudging into one of the biggest sporting communities around, I think you can connect the dots.

Then there’s the Kodak coin. You might’ve heard about this. Last month shares of tired old Eastman Kodak (remember them? they made “cameras”) quadrupled when the company announced that it wanted to launch its own crypto currency. This one will track photo rights to crack down on image pirates — reading between the lines, if you want to protect a picture, pay the photographer or just make sure you’re not stealing the rights, you’d have to deal with Kodak and its blockchain.

Remember that shovel store in the gold rush? BLKCF paid $2 million to buy every single one of the initial Kodak coins. If that story plays out like bitcoin (1800% in the last calendar year), it might be the bet of a LIFETIME!

A note on scale: the simple coin announcement created $300 million in shareholder capital on Kodak. The last time I did the math, every BLKCF share now incorporates 0.44 of one of those Kodak coins . . . in addition to the games, the sports and, for those who move this week, the mining operation itself.

Only “accredited investors” even had a shot at buying the coins directly. That means you need to be a millionaire and fill out regulatory paperwork to prove it. BLKCF is open to everyone with pocket change and a dream. I don’t know how long that opportunity will remain open, so don’t dither too long here. After all, we’ve already missed the boat on that first wave of bitcoins below $25, right? Now’s our chance to catch up!

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